Certified Mindfulness Teacher - LOO LIE YING

Lie Ying is a mindfulness teacher certified by the Awareness Training Institute and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. She has completed a 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program led by leading mindfulness experts Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, under the mentorship of Kaira Jewel Lingo.


She chanced upon mindfulness in 2013, during a period of extreme marital stress. Hearing that mindfulness might be the answer to address her sense of helplessness at that time, she gave it a try and never looked back. Mindfulness practice has since benefitted all aspects of her life, including self-awareness, marriage, handling anxiety attacks, work stress, and parenting. From her experience as an educator and mothering three young children, she deeply understands how challenging parenting can be and how the caregiver's well-being directly impacts the child. She is passionate about supporting caregivers and sharing how mindfulness has enabled her to parent in a way more aligned with her heart.


Lie Ying's mindfulness teaching focuses on helping participants develop their mindfulness practices with an understanding of human physiology and psychology. Participants can cultivate a strong foundation of self-awareness, compassion, and joy with these practices.

She is passionate and committed to helping others find more balance and clarity in their lives through mindfulness practice.

“We offer our blessings and confidence in support of the MMTCP graduates of our worldwide teacher training. We honor the quality of what they have to offer, and the healing and awakening that these teachings and practices bring to our world.”

--With Metta, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach