Mindfulness Essentials for Parents:
4-Week Online Course

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Do you often feel overwhelmed as a parent, balancing your responsibilities for your children and a multitude of other duties? And despite all your effort, you still feel that you are not a good parent, that you are not doing enough, not thankful enough, not selfless enough?


This sense of feeling not good enough can weigh you down with self-judgment and anxiety, and fill your life with dissatisfaction. Being a parent does not have to always feel this way.


If you want to find out more about how you can awaken yourself from this state of personal deficiency, join our 4-week live online mindfulness essentials for parents course and re-discover life as a parent with less stress and more joy.

Mindfulness for Parenting: Free Webinar

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Have you ever regretted something that you did to your child in the heat of the moment?

Have you ever picked up a tip to improve your parenting, but have difficulty applying it when needed?


If you have experienced any of the above, you may have been living your life in autopilot mode without realizing it. This may have gotten in the way of you becoming the parent you want to be for your children. 


Join our free webinar to find out how mindfulness practice can help you break out of the autopilot mode and discover more choices in your parenting journey.